Going 1000x smaller into the culture expansion has been quite the ride. Every success met with several failures as the purple bacteria is slow to culture leaving it prone to contamination despite all the hoops in place.
What is Purple Non Sulphur Bacteria?
Bacteria that use light to convert carbon sources into food. PNSB differ from nitrifying bacteria that inhabit live rock and DSB since they can use photosynthesis. Purple/green bacteria uses hydrogen and sulfide to convert carbon while PNSB prefers not to use O2 if there is a choice . Often associated with detritus or sludge eating bacteria.
-metabolically diverse (chemoheterotroph, photoheterotrophic, photoautotrophic) enables them to function in places where others may not
-a form of organic carbon dosing that sources organic compounds already built up within aquaria
-improve water quality by uptake nitrite, nitrate, ammonia and organic compounds which can accelerate the cycling process
-food for bacterivores (coral, NPS, zooplankton) coming in between 600 - 1000 nanometers ( 0.6 - 1 micron)
-depending on growth condition can be influenced to be rich in red pigments (aerobic vs anaerobic)
-used in waste water treatment, improving soil quality, large scale aquaculture (shrimp)
-compounds consumed and secreted fuel plant growth
Why do you culture PNSB?
Simply put. I enjoy culture work. But in truth it has to do with keeping macroalgae long term. Maintaining a reef tank is no simple task and it can vary greatly on what the goal is. Not to get into all the problems of growing macro but the worst has to be Old Tank Syndrome (OTS) regarding built up organics (indigestible plant matter, yellowing from terpenes, plants going through seasons, residual traces). Regular cleaning maintenance + propagating smaller cuttings only goes so far without having to sterilize the tank every so often to reset the balance in maintaining #s. Organics can be hard to keep track of long term and an imbalance could be the reason cyanobacteria/dinoflagellates smothers all your photosynthetics.
PNSB methodology
-These bacteria are quite special in marine aquaria since their ideal environment involves low dissolved oxygen but high light. This would place it deep enough in the layers of sand without O2 but shallow to still receive light. A perfect spot to tackle organic waste in built up as mulm but also close to other microbes (good or bad) leading to competition for organics (good). Some of these other microbes can produce harmful substances such as hydrogen sulfide.
-PNSB need light but will shy away from oxygen to maintain their ideal mode of fixation. They need to adapt to drastic lighting changes because of this naturally in the water column, The bacteria contain special pigments called bacteriochlorophyll that can operate at higher wave lengths of 740 - 925nm versus plant chlorophyll which absorbs 660 - 680nm. Able to handle fast lighting changes.
-the organic carbon gets tackled PNSB in a much more pleasant way without depleting O2 like heterotrophs. This keeps tank inhabitants healthy and a steady supply of nutrients to fuel algae growth (coral, macro, cryptic)
What PNSB strains do you work with?
-Rhodobacter capsulatus: found in muddy, stagnant, nutrient rich waters. Primarily in freshwater but does have some tolerance in saltwater. One of the first strains to be cultivated and produced on a larger scale for study. In the absence of oxygen it will be brown in culture but in aquaria it can appear red in the water column.
-Rhodospirillum rubrum: found in rivers, streams, marshes, stagnant, and used in waste treatment facilities. Its tolerance to salt is related to its method of nitrogen fixation. It will grow in a tropical environment shying away from oxygen but maintain contact with light. If dissolved oxygen is high then it will produce at a reduced rate to keep from building O2 and appear colorless. The red pigments will build in low O2.
-Rhodobacter sphaeroides: found in deep lakes and stagnant waters. Compounds sequestered are believed to be essential in plant growing hormones. Produced largely for use in waste water treatment. It doesn't really have a preference and loves to tackle any situation.
*will provide more details after getting some testing done and maybe some more expansion work. Time is the limiting factor for me.
For those of you who have been helping me test this. I appreciate your contributions greatly. Your feedback is critical in further understanding PNSB use in marine aquaria.
-a couple people have told me it got rid of their cyano problems
-skimmers having increased output
-one reefer had success administering PNSB to fuel xenia growth enough to export for phosphate. (no baseline here so hard to say what happened but they were happy with the result so I'll take it)
-several have mentioned steady deductions in nutrient values but this could also be from them upping efforts in other areas.
-adding phyto and PNSB seems to reduce time between glass cleaning (personal observation in my tanks)
-adding PNSB to zooplankton cultures is ill advised if they do not have access to substantial light to trigger the bacteria. If not the bloom will be too dense among the detritus reducing space for pods to grow, capping their population/growth size.
-No more yellow water in water changes